Sunday, July 5, 2009

At Rest

I already have a spot to rest.

I didn't care about doing this so early, but Mom wanted to get all of her arrangements done and paid for, so I went along. She spent a lot of time designing every detail about the marker (the permanent mom/child protective embrace and the permanent flowers when there will be no one left to bring real ones). This must have been in the early 90's. Mom is now buried at the stone and there is a place inside of mine to stuff my ashes. I'll probably have some scattered somewhere as well.
At the time, some people thought this was creepy to do so much in advance, but I like already having a little statue to myself.


Alison said...

I remember this, actually . . . isn't that strange? I remember when you set this up and you brought pics when you came and visited us. I remember thinking cremation was creepy at the time but now I think the alternatives are worse.

Johnny said...

Think I must have taken this photo?
Am I right? I remember thinking how strange and surreal it was but now as we' much older and you start to confront your own mortality..
your Mum was so lovely amd made me feel so welcome...